Episode #175 - Simone Weil - Vessels of God

Simone Weil - Vessels of God

Key Takeaways

  • Will vs. Attention in Self-Transformation: Simone Weil discusses two methods of self-improvement: willpower and attention. Willpower is about forcing oneself to undertake unwelcome tasks, while attention involves reenvisioning these tasks in a new, more engaging light. This can transform a task, such as reading, from something one has to force themselves to do, into something they enjoy.

  • Limitations of Willpower: Weil points out that while willpower can be effective for physical tasks, it falls short for non-physical achievements like creativity or moral clarity. Creativity, for example, can't be produced merely through will; it requires openness and inspiration, which are beyond the reach of mere determination.

  • The Role of Action in Realizing Goodness: Weil underscores the necessity of action in making philosophical concepts like justice and beauty tangible. She posits that work should not just be a chore, but a spiritual activity akin to prayer, contributing to the greater good and providing a deeper sense of connection and purpose.

Recommended Reading

  • Waiting for God by Simone Weil: A compilation of letters and essays that delve into Weil's perspectives on religious experiences and the nature of God.

  • Gravity and Grace by Simone Weil: This work examines the contrast between the material and spiritual worlds, showcasing Weil's unique fusion of philosophical thought and mysticism.

  • The Need for Roots by Simone Weil: Published posthumously, this book advocates for the significance of spiritual and cultural roots in maintaining a healthy society.

For a more comprehensive exploration of Simone Weil's works and a guide on the sequence to read them, visit the detailed reading list posted on Instagram: here.

See the full transcript here.

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Episode #176 - Susan Sontag - Do you criticize yourself the way you criticize a movie?


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