Episode #154 - Pragmatism and Truth

Pragmatism and Truth

Key Takeaways

  • Questioning Certainty in Philosophy: This part of the podcast delves into the late 19th and early 20th-century philosophical shift. During this period, thinkers began to challenge the pursuit of certainty in truth, a significant departure from the approaches of historical figures like Socrates and Descartes, who were proponents of certainty. The segment reflects on the evolution of philosophical thought and the growing skepticism about whether certainty is truly achievable.

  • Emergence of Pragmatism: The episode discusses the rise of pragmatism, a movement led by influential thinkers such as Charles Sanders Peirce and William James. This philosophical trend marked a shift from focusing on individual consciousness and the quest for certainty. It advocated for understanding truth in terms of its practical consequences and societal impact, signaling a significant change in the way truth and knowledge were perceived.

  • Truth as a Social Construct: Explored in the podcast is the pragmatist viewpoint that sees truth as a product of social convergence. This perspective argues that truth is not determined by individual certainty but rather by collective agreement and its usefulness within society. The episode uses the collective belief in the existence of cars as an example to illustrate this concept.

  • Free Will and Human Action: A key part of the discussion revolves around William James's views on free will and personality types (healthy-minded vs. sick souls). It suggests that our beliefs about free will play a crucial role in shaping our actions and the overall quality of our lives. The segment advocates for a balanced approach between determinism and free will, emphasizing their impact on human behavior and decision-making.

Recommended Reading

  • Collected Papers of Charles Sanders Peirce: This comprehensive collection encompasses Peirce's vast contributions across various fields, including philosophy, logic, and the theory of signs. It offers a deep dive into the mind of one of the key figures in the pragmatism movement.

  • Pragmatism By William James: In this seminal work, William James elaborates on his philosophy of pragmatism. He emphasizes the concept that the meaning and validity of any idea are contingent upon its practical consequences, providing insight into his influential perspective on truth and knowledge.

  • The Varieties of Religious Experience by William James: This book by James explores the individual religious experiences that form the foundation of the world's religious life. Covering topics like conversion, repentance, and mysticism, it offers a unique perspective on the personal dimensions of religion.

See the full transcript here.

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